Find Volunteer Patent Attorneys & Agents
Sometimes all it takes to change the world is a dream and a little support.
Over 500 non-provisional patent filings have been made in the past 3 years. Since 2017, well over 300 patents have been issued.
What We Do
Our core mission is to assist the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with the administration of patent pro bono programs across the United States, which have been established pursuant to the America Invents Act of 2011.
The program's 20 non-profit organizations match under-resourced inventors with top quality volunteer patent attorneys and agents. We rely on wonderful volunteers like yourself to make this vital 501c3 non profit mission happen.
If you are new to patenting, PBAC encourages you to complete The Inventor’s Patent Academy, a free online learning course. You will learn first-hand from inventors and listen to their stories about how they successfully navigated the patenting process register for the course today!
The USPTO provides inventor resources and links to the regional programs on its website. You can find that information by clicking the button below.
Volunteer Patent Agents & Attorneys
Agents and attorneys interested in volunteering may also visit the USPTO Patent Pro Bono page to connect to their regional program.
Pathways To Inclusive Innovation
In this Nationwide Event Series, Pro Bono Advisory Council (PBAC) is hosting an important conversation with Federal and Private Sector experts on how under-resourced innovators can leverage the USPTO’s Patent Bono Program to bring their ideas and products to market. In the event sessions, attendees gain insights from thought leaders in IP law, Federal Technology Transfer Offices, Venture Capital, Banking, and Start Up-Business Operations

“It’s heartbreaking when you meet someone with an amazing idea and realize it will never go anywhere because the person doesn’t have access to the legal system. With this program, we can now bring voice to that invention.”
David Kappos
Former Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office, Pro Bono Advisory Council Board Member
Latest News & Resources
Check out some of our featured articles and learn more about our efforts.